Middle East and North Africa

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Middle East and North Africa

Working together with leading consulting firms, government institutions and conglomerates, we provide in-depth insights for strategic, business and investment decisions across MENA.

We are proud to have been involved in a number of industry ‘firsts’ in the MENA region. This includes the implementation of Voice Biometrics in Arabic, Hindi and English for a leading Bank in UAE. Other success stories include setting up and managing an Emiratization Center-of-Excellence for a leading UAE Airline.

We recognize that every organization we work with is unique. Our broad range of services enable us to tailor our solutions to meet individual business needs. 

  • Nationalization (Emiratization, Saudization, Omanization, etc.)
  • Big Data, AI & Advanced Analytics 
  • Business Process Reengineering and Transformation
  • Customer Experience Transformation
  • Contact Center Management and Omni-Channel Optimization
  • Revenue Acceleration, Loyalty and CRM

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Key Contacts

Khaled bin Abdullah
Khaled Alsaleh
Managing Director, Middle East & North AfricaLinkedIn IconTwitter Icon


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